How do I replace dairy?

So you want to go dairy-free but you don’t know where to start. Start with some of the resources below.

Also check out our starter guide with tips for beginners: How do I start going vegan?

Start Here

  • Top 12 Dairy-Free Tips: How to Successfully Make the Switch

    Considering going dairy-free, but don’t know where to start? Or perhaps you’ve given it a go already, but miss ice cream or cheese. The advice here is intended to help you on your journey with useful facts and appetizing ideas for living dairy-free.

  • Step by Step Guide to Help You Give Up Dairy

    To get you started on going dairy-free, they’ve shared some of their personal favorite tips, along with resources that can help you out. The best part is, going dairy-free isn’t expensive or hard to do.

  • Dairy Ingredient List for Shopping Dairy Free

    This is a handy guide to identifying milk ingredients on food labels, from the obvious to the downright obscure.

Learn More

  • Vegan Creamer Guide

    Do you like creamer? Good news. A surprising amount of vegan options are available. Today, choices made from soy, coconut, almond, and flax are in most grocery stores. Plus, dairy-free coffee creamer is easy to make at home. Here’s everything you need to know.

  • Vegan Yogurt Guide

    There are plenty of yogurt choices made from a variety of plant milk. Presently, vegan options include soy, coconut, almond, hemp, flax, or cashew milk. Filled with probiotic bacteria, dairy-free yogurt can be a beneficial addition to a healthy diet. Here’s everything you need to know.

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Guide Updated November 6, 2022

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