Organize a VegFest
- How to Plan a VegFest – Veg Fest from Start to Finish
This is a comprehensive guide to everything you could possibly want to know about starting or running a Veg Fest. Compassionate Action for Animals, the group behind this guide, hosts Twin Cities Veg Fest in Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA, which started in 2012. There is a lot of information to start here from multiple contributors with experience.
Source: Compassionate Action for Animals
- Organizing a VegFest
For people who are interested in initiating a VegFest in their community, here is a general guide for planning and organizing the event.
Source: PlantPure Communities
- Tips for Organizing a Successful VegFest
A list of tips for organizing a successful vegFest from VegFund.
Source: VegFund
- Large Vegan Event Organizers Unite Facebook Group
This is a forum for those with lead positions in planning VegFests or other large vegan events and conferences to share and learn from one another (over 300 attendees). They welcome everyone whether they are for or non profit.
Promote a Large Event
- Submit an Event to VegEvents
Submit a vegan conference, festival, or market that is not currently on the VegEvents calendar through this form. Submissions are free and will be reviewed within 5 business days.
Source: VegEvents
Related Guides
Guide Updated July 20, 2023