Grant Programs
- A Well-Fed World
A Well-Fed World is a hunger relief and animal protection organization. A standard project grant is $500 for individuals and $1,000 for organizations. Applications are accepted year-round for quarterly distribution. Priority is given to small vegan groups that assist low-income communities. Grants are only provided for legal activities that use/promote plant-based foods and/or care for rescued farm animals.
- Animal Charity Evaluators
ACE Movement Grants are for anyone who is interested in making the animal advocacy movement more effective. They accept applications periodically throughout the year. Donations to ACE Movement Grants are distributed to a number of promising charities around the world; a small proportion of funding may also be used to support their recommended charities. The disbursement will be determined by a review committee consisting of several ACE team members.
- Awesome Foundation
Every two months, the Vegan Chapter of the Awesome Foundation grants $1,000 to an awesome vegan project, no strings attached. They disburse grants using Venmo, PayPal, and cryptocurrency. You must be able to receive money using these methods to receive their grant. Grant applications must be received before the first Tuesday of the month. They will vote on proposals the following Sunday.
- Eat The Change
ETC Impact™ is a grant program working to promote and expand access to climate-friendly foods. They focus on sustainability across several dimensions, with a particular emphasis on plant-based diets, food waste reduction, organic agriculture, the promotion of biodiversity, and innovation in sustainable packaging. They aim to support national and community-based organizations and initiatives that promote climate-friendly eating, with a particular focus on those that serve and represent historically marginalized communities. Grant application guidelines and request for proposals are posted in late March, with submissions due in May.
- Effective Altruism
The Animal Welfare Fund supports organizations that work on improving the well-being of nonhuman animals, especially farmed animals. The fund is most likely to support interventions that are tractable and have the potential to achieve large-scale reductions in farm animal suffering. The fund makes grants on the regular EA Funds grantmaking schedule, with recommendations made in February, July, and November each year.
- Food for Thought
Animal Place’s Food for Thought Program awards grants up to $1,000 toward vegan events and vegan option ticket subsidies—or for the adoption of organization-wide vegan menu policies. All grants are currently limited to companion animal, wildlife, or environmental organizations that are classified as 501(c)(3) nonprofits or registered charities. Preference is given to organizations with brick and mortar facilities that regularly host public events.
- Pollination Project
The Pollination Project makes daily seed grants to inspiring social change-makers who are committed to a world that works for all. They make initial grants of up to $1,000. Successful grantees become eligible for larger impact grants of up to $5,000 and other support.
- ProVeg
The Effective Vegan Advocacy Grant offers funding to organizations and individuals that align with ProVeg’s mission to reduce the global consumption of animals by 50% by the year 2040. EVA grants range from $500 to $5,000 USD. They support organizations and individuals that are outside the United States and are not international chapters of US-based organizations.
- Vegan Grants
Vegan Grants funds activism that reaches a mainstream and/or influential audience with a compelling vegan diet or menu change message in a cost-effective way. They focus on advocacy that includes an uncompromising vegan message. Vegan Grants invites both individual and organizational applicants to complete a concise, initial assessment, taking less than 10 minutes, as the first step in their grant application process. Grant applications can be submitted at any point throughout the year, and they encourage you to consider requesting funding for an entire year if possible. They are unable to provide funding to for-profit ventures.
- Vegan Hacktivists
The Vegan Hacktivists offer up to $1,000 USD in seed funding grants for individual or grassroots groups whose primary purpose is to help reduce suffering for non-human farmed animals. You must have some prior animal rights or other types of activism experience.
In addition, VH grants include: a SquareSpace website subscription for one year, professional graphic design creation, professional content creation, monthly advisory calls.
- Vegan Society
The Vegan Society Grant is open to individuals and grassroots organisations. It exists to support projects which will encourage non-vegans to go vegan and stay vegan. There is no maximum grant, but a typical award is no more than £1,000.
- Womxn Funders in AR
Womxn Funders in AR is committed to supporting womxn in leadership in the animal rights movement. Their goals are to support womxn and especially womxn of color in the animal rights movement, build leadership skills among womxn in the animal rights movement, and fund womxn-led and womxn-facing animal rights organizations. Grant amounts range from $1K to $10K USD. WFAR reviews grants once a year and the application deadline is in mid-April.
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Guide Updated February 11, 2025