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- Ordering Vegan Food at Non-Vegan Restaurants
Eating at a non-vegan restaurant does take some planning, but it will be worth it when you show everyone how easy it is to be vegan. Here is a cheat sheet for you with some ideas about how to order as a vegan at different types of restaurants.
Source: The Vegetarian Resource Group
- How to Eat Vegan at Any Restaurant (and Not Order Salad)
The ultimate guide on how to eat vegan at any restaurant (and not order salad). How to talk to the waiters and chefs and what to order.
Source: It Doesn’t Taste Like Chicken
- Vegan Dining Guide
When it comes to vegan dining, you may have far better options than you realize. No matter where you live, or where you may travel, this guide will help you find the best food in local restaurants.
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Guide Updated January 11, 2021